Managed Hosting

We provide cPanel hosting, Plesk, static site hosting and standalone website hosting with Managed Services.

Managed services includes basic site monitoring and anti-virus. Your website will be free from downtime and attcks.

cPanel Hosting (Lite)

  1. 1vCore
  2. 128MB vRAM
  3. 10GB SSD Storgae

Includes 1 MySQL Database, 5 Email Accounts, One standard Domain (.com/.org/.net)

Standard Pricing HK$200/Month, HK$2000/Year

cPanel Hosting (Lite+)

  1. 2vCore
  2. 128MB vRAM
  3. 15GB SSD Storgae

Includes 1 MySQL Database, 5 Email Accounts, One standard Domain (.com/.org/.net)

Standard Pricing HK$250/Month, HK$2500/Year

Static Hosting

  1. 10GB SSD Storgae

Standard Pricing HK$50/Month, HK$500/Year